SpecializationsWeb Development
API Development
Mobile Development
BlackStack Software Solutions
A website for my freelance software development LLC. It was built for potential clients to learn more about the services I offer. For current clients, it serves as a hub for project management and communication with features like a client portal and a blog.
Silvi is an open-source web-app with the purpose of enabling tree stewards to easily track and report on their reforestation projects as well as sharing that progress with a broader community.
Sporta Go
Sporta Go is a platform built for athletes to connect with trainers and coaches. They are a client of BlackStack Software Solutions. MVP currently in development.
This website! It has gone through a few iterations but I am happy with the current design. Built with Next.js + TailwindCSS. I wanted to build a website that showcased my skills and projects in a clean and organized way.
Rusty Melody
A web app that leverages machine learning and neural networks to generate music recommendations based on user input. It is a WASM application built with Rust + Yew on the frontend and Axum + PostgreSQL on the backend. I built this project to experiment with machine learning in Rust and to learn more about neural networks.
Feedback App
A simple feedback app built with Yew + Rust on the frontend and Actix + PostgreSQL on the backend. I built this project to deepen my understanding of Rust and to learn more about its web development capabilities. I also wanted to experiment with WASM in a production environment.
Todo List API
A REST API for a todo list app. Built with Nest.js + MongoDB. Users can create an account, create todo lists, and add items to their lists. I built this project to learn more about Nest.js and MongoDB. I also wanted to deploy a Nest.js app to a Docker container.
CLI Calculator
A simple calculator built with Rust. This was my first Rust project and I wanted to build something that would allow me to learn the basics of the language. I also wanted to experiment with building a CLI app.
Number Guessing Game
A simple number guessing game built with Rust. I wanted to build a project with Rust where I could experiment with some of the language's features.
Bookstore API
A REST API for a bookstore. It allows a user to create an account, add books to their cart, and checkout. I built this project with Express.js + PostgreSQL hosted on Supabase. This was a great opportunity to delve into severless environments and learn more about Supabase.
On Point Charter
On Point Charter is a boating business that offers private charters. This website was built with Next.js + Tailwind. I wanted to build a website that was simple and easy to navigate. Currently still in development.
CyberBridge Initiative
A website for a fictional non-profit organization. Built with Vite + React for a class project.
Fancy Carpet Calculator
An early favorite of mine when I was initially learning DOM manipulation in JavaScript. This project is a simple calculator that calculates the area of the carpet based on user input.