

Your Friendly Neighborhood Software Developer

Got an idea? Let's bring it to life together! I've got the full-stack expertise to transform your concept into a highly functional digital solution.

Hero Code

Featured Projects

BlackStack Software Solutions

BlackStack Software Solutions

A website for my freelance software development LLC. It was built for potential clients to learn more about the services I offer. For current clients, it serves as a hub for project management and communication with features like a client portal and a blog.

Next.jsTRPCTailwindCSSTypeScriptAWS S3PostgreSQL


Silvi is an open-source web-app with the purpose of enabling tree stewards to easily track and report on their reforestation projects as well as sharing that progress with a broader community.

Sporta Go

Sporta Go

Sporta Go is a platform built for athletes to connect with trainers and coaches. They are a client of BlackStack Software Solutions. MVP currently in development.

Next.jsTypescriptTailwindCSSPostgreSQLAWS S3